Shanghai Arbitration Commission

Release:2019-06-13   Click:3282

Name: Shanghai Arbitration Commission 

Province: N/A

City: Shanghai 

Address: 23F, Wenxin Building, No. 755 Weihai Road, Shanghai

Contact person: Xu Qiang

Tel: 021-52921235


Shanghai Arbitration Commission (SHAC) was established under the Arbitration Law of the People's Republic of China on September 18, 1995.


SHAC, in compliance with Chinese laws, referring to international practices, and observing its own rules, independently, fairly, and in a timely manner accepts and arbitrates to resolve contractual disputes and other property rights disputes between natural persons, legal persons, and other organizations that occur in equal subjects.


SHAC consists of 15 legal, economic and trade experts and celebrities with abundant work experience. Director of SHAC is Qiao Xianzhi, deputy directors include Li Changdao, Zhang Zhongyu, Wang Zude and Wang Kangwu, who is also the SHAC’s Secretary-General. Li Guoguang, former Vice President of the Supreme People's Court, and Xie Tianfang, Director of the Legal Work Committee of Shanghai People's Congress Standing Committee, served as honorary directors. It is the Secretariat that runs as the managing body for SHAC, which has an administrative department and an arbitration department.


SHAC has totally 536 arbitrators who are well-known professors, researchers, senior economists, senior accountants, senior engineers, senior lawyers and experienced persons in arbitration, trial, economic management, etc. in law and economic fields at home and abroad, involving business, real estate, and finance (including futures, insurance), quality, intellectual property, construction, maritime, international trade, transportation, companies, advertising, e-commerce, information industry, WTO affairs and other legal professions.


SHAC accepts applications in accordance with the arbitration agreement between the parties, including the clauses entered into in the contract and the agreement to request for arbitration in advance or later.

SHAC accepts disputes on contract, real estate, construction engineering, financial affairs (including insurance, futures, securities, financing and other disputes), product quality liability, intellectual property (including patents, copyrights, trademarks, etc.) maritime, transportation, and international affairs such as trade, agency, engineering projects, investment and technology cooperation.


SHAC welcomes people from all walks of life, and will provide arbitration services to the parties in a fair and timely manner.

Hangzhou International Arbitration Court All Copy Right 2005-2010 ICP:
